About Last Night: The Red Capes Are Coming, Decision20 Wrapped

Daniel Gada
3 min readOct 18, 2020

Originally Published Sunday October 18 2020

Re-Elected Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern.

Wowee what an extraordinary moment in our history to be part of, what a time to be alive. The left is alive and well in NZ; social values, integrity, community and aroha are still things we believe in and to that I give a big Kiwi C H U R! Chuck in some Green and I reckon this could be an almost perfect union (but that’s just me) 😉.

The Red Sea rose and despite fears and uncertainties — absolutely nothing could part it. Resulting in an astounding win not seen for this party in 50 years. Aunty Helen, your legacy lives on, and with Whaea Jacinda leading a strong, beautiful team of hearts and minds there is hope for what could have otherwise been a very bleak outlook for the Land of the Long White Cloud in a post pandemic world.

It’s not just about the party vote in a general election, we have to give praise to the 15 seats Labour GAINED thanks to those candidates who refused to back down and got out and campaigned in their electorates like they already OWNED THEM, turning out astonishing defeats against what Kelvin Davis (Deputy Labour leader) cheekily refers to as “the Blue Taniwha”.

Highlights for me include the beautiful Kiri Allan who took the mighty, mighty East Coast like she was born to do it (her boots were made for stomping), Vanushi Walters who slayed the taniwha in Upper Harbour with diversity and positivity, Sarah Pallett who LAID WASTE to Ilam on the back of her red dragon, incinerating Gerry Brownlee’s 24 year hold on the region; and of course Shanan Halbert who, after 5 years of hard yakka, along with the most dedicated team, lead a fierce pack of proud wolves and RECLAIMED the Northcote throne 3 elections later in a finale better than GOT season 7, returning the seat to Labour for the first time in 16 years; all rise for The King in the North!

But I want to give a shout out to the biggest win of the night, The Little Greenie Who Could, Chlöe Swarbrick. You have shaken us all by owning your place, refusing to quit, and using your smarts to win your rightful place in one of the biggest seats of power — not too far from the Iron Throne itself and to that I say YES QUEEN.

This Parliament will be a truly progressive one (if the right decisions are made) and it will surely be the most Rainbow one we have ever seen in our country, if not the world.

To those electorates who faithfully ticked blue in their candidate box (North Shore, Papakura, Botany, i’m looking at you) — talofa, your leader is thankful I’m sure, but the results are in and the party vote reigned supreme in those places with red garnering 40–45% of the vote in an upset our very own Hilary Barry (a North Shore superstar) says will result in “a fair few strokes” and “people needing the smelling salts”.

John Campbell says “the world is upside down when the party vote swings to Labour on the North Shore” and if the last 6 weeks of campaigning has taught me anything about my home town, it’s that Matua JC is 100% correct!

Whatever you take from Decision 20, however you feel, it’s important to remember that this is the high. The next 3 years will be the true test and it’s on US (that’s you and me) to watch this Govt. like a hawk and as always, hold them to account in a fair and honest way, I know I will take nothing for granted and be doing my bit.

There are no permanent victories and equally no permanent defeats. One day the tide will change, it always does. But until then…

Let’s Keep Moving! ❤️

